Rate limiting in Golang using rate package
Rate Limiting comes up quite often when working with web servers. As a Golang newbie(and working on Backend after a while), I had a chance to implement the rate limiter on the client side to not overwhelm the target server while generating the load.
Mocking HTTP requests when writing tests (Node.js)
Quite often we need to mock remote HTTP requests when testing, either for integration tests or unit tests that your logic needs to react differently depending on the variation of the response of the request. There are several options to achieve that, but I will write down my favorite ones.
How to maintain a monorepo using Lerna and NPM 7
I’ve been putting off upgrading to NPM 7 for my monorepo using [email protected] due to several issues have been occurred. However I’ve reached a point where I couldn’t juggle around anymore as it was a significant productivity killer.